Suggestion for new Yelp front page

Don Scorgie DonScorgie at
Fri Aug 25 18:48:10 UTC 2006


On Fri, 2006-08-25 at 10:39 +0200, Andreas Lloyd wrote:
> Hi,
> Don Scorgie wrote:
> > On Thu, 2006-08-24 at 12:38 +0200, Andreas Lloyd wrote:
> >   
> >> Another issue is that it requires redoing the Yelp frontpage completely,
> >> rather than relying on Yelp's auto-generated front page. Matt assures me
> >> that this is not too complicated.
> >>     
> > Very much depends on the extent of the changes.  I believe Matt's change
> > would basically add a new document and then modify the help menu item
> > (in the System menu) to point to that doc by default.  The document
> > would then point to yelp's own table-o-contents for different sections
> > as needed. [1]
> [snip]
> > If you could create a mock-up (either in html or as a simple image
> > showing what goes where), I could (possibly) give you an idea of whether
> > it's feasible.
> >   
> I've tried. It's not pretty:
> I hope it makes sense. I distinguish between the Frontpage which is what
> we want to customize, and the Table o Contents which is autogenerated by
> Yelp, and which we will link through. I hope that it is possible to link
> to specific sections inside a document from the frontpage. That is why
> we want to do a customized front page in the first place.
> I hope this gives you an idea of what we want to do and if it is
> feasible. Please let us know.

I think I have a rough idea from the link.  It'd be a fairly sizable
patch to yelp (if I'm reading it right).  Plus the sections linked adds
an interesting twist to it...  Unfortunately (for me), you've managed to
put the idea in my head now.

I have an idea of how it might work, but will need some time to come up
with a prototype.  Alas, I'm fairly busy right now with GNOME stuff,
other projects and real world stuff.

If people are interested in the idea, I can have a play around, see if I
can come up with something.  Don't know how long it'd take or anything
crazy like that though.

The ordering of docs can be done by reusing the patch from Dapper
(albeit with some heavy editing) that did the same thing.

<GNOME doc team member hat>
Might I also suggest an additional link on the page.  Something like
"Other documentation Manuals" or something, which goes directly into
Yelp's TOC as it is now.
</GNOME doc team member hat>


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