On the guides about the Nvidia driver

Corey Burger corey.burger at gmail.com
Mon Aug 14 05:14:08 UTC 2006

On 8/11/06, Alberto Milone <albertomilone at alice.it> wrote:
> First of all let me introduce myself,
> My name's Alberto Milone and I'm known as "tseliot" on
> ubuntuforums.org. I'm a moderator of that forum and I'm also a member
> of the UDSF.
> I have moved one of my guides (about the Nvidia driver) from the UDSF
> to the official Wiki (I was asked to do that).
> Here is the link to my guide:
> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Latest_Nvidia_Dapper
> I have talked to Matthew East and he suggested me to integrate my
> guide with the older ones.
> My guides encompasses all the guides which were already on the Wiki
> and goes even further but it works ONLY on Ubuntu Dapper.
> Why didn't I just edit the existing guides?
> I didn't do that because I would have had to write them almost from
> scratch and I couldn't do that without your permission.

<snip lots of explanation>

Don't worry about working on "other peoples" guide. Check to make
certain it has not been worked on in a few days and then just dive in.
If you have any questions, raise them here or on the mailing list.

As for best practices, emphasize graphical over commandline. Emphasize
packaged over non-packaged. In this specific case, tell people how to
install the packaged version of nvidia and then tell them how to
install via the nvidia instlaler, with strong warnings about how
Ubuntu will not support such drivers.



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