Team wiki page reorganization

Andreas Lloyd lloydinho at
Fri Aug 4 11:02:48 UTC 2006

Hi all,

As part of the writing the Contribute To Ubuntu doc, I talked with Corey
and Jordan about standardizing the team pages in the wiki to a
standardized layout so as to make navigation and comparison of team
tasks easy. The rationale is that if all team pages follow the same
basic template, it will be a lot easier to refer to team-specific
information, and every team will have to define their membership
procedure. The point being that the Contribute doc links to each team
wiki page, and in some way, the team wiki pages will also become an
extenstion of that doc.

To that end, I have created a new TeamPageTemplate in the wiki, and I
have reorganized our own Documentation Team page to fit with the layout
proposed in the template to give a better idea of how the new template
is designed to work. Please have a look at both the template (there are
comments to each section in the code) and the reorganized DocTeam page.
Feel free to change it revert it to the old version if you need to, but
please write some feedback to the list before doing so.

The pages are:




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