Improving Ubuntu Help/Docs part 2B

David Tangye tangye at
Sat Apr 29 09:52:29 UTC 2006

On Sat, 2006-04-29 at 14:48 +1000, David Tangye wrote:
> The question is "Who is the customer?"
> Suggested answer: There are two. In ORDER OF IMPORTANCE:
> 1. Non-technical users
> 2. Technical users.
> Why are "Non-technical users" more important than "Technical users."

... should have been a question.
And my answer (that I got distracted by needs in the real world) from
giving  is ...

Go back again to , and ask
yourself, if we are to make great inroads into having much more uptake
of Linux, and really break into the market, where will the uptake come

(This is entirely my guess...)

NOT from more "Technical users" because a reasonable % of them either
have Linux, or have tried/known of it but don't/cant use it, maybe
because of its irrelevant to their work environment; 

but from "Non-technical users" because:
 a. They outnumber "Technical users" by anything from 4:1 to 20:1
depending on whose figures you believe.
 b. They NEED the help more, whereas generally technical users can find
stuff out for themselves.

So that is why all documents should focus on "Non-technical users".
Those docs like submitted
today are great examples of this.

Please note: I DID NOT say to ignore technical users.

You are all probably "Technical users". So it means to not think about
yourself. It means PUT YOURSELF IN THE SHOES OF PEOPLE quite unlike

Thats it. I am done with most general stuff I can give. A bit of the
specifics coming up, (part 3) some small bits of which are already
mentioned today, and I am finished.

Any other feedback as to what you think of what I have written so far,
either here or privately, would be appreciated. Don't feel you need to
agree. I only appreciate and respect direct and honest answers. I
honestly do not have time for anything else.


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