Improving Ubuntu Help/Docs part 2B

David Tangye tangye at
Sat Apr 29 04:48:37 UTC 2006

On Sat, 2006-04-29 at 13:26 +1000, David Tangye wrote:
> Of course there is an implicit question that needs to be addressed and
> ANSWERED, before you can adequately answer the above questions. 

The question is "Who is the customer?"

Suggested answer: There are two. In ORDER OF IMPORTANCE:

1. Non-technical users
2. Technical users.

Why are "Non-technical users" more important than "Technical users."

Our documentation should reflect this.
And the above answer, if accepted, should go into somewhere in the wiki,
for future document writers. Why do I not just put it there myself?
(Also answering a similar request to just put this stuff into "the /talk
section of the spec" or "a page such as"). Because, believe it or not, I
do not want to tread TOO much on toes.

I believe that issues of procedure, and standards are best and most
efficiently raised, discusses and decided on here, then either dumped
and forgotten, or THEN RECORDED into to definitive page on how to do

The above statement should itself be accepted and put there, else

... and this is rapidly leading me into Part 3: Specific suggestions to
be adopted or not: to be updates into your documentation procedure page
or discarded. Hmmm, I am on a roll, I shall try to get this out shortly.

... oh and why did I say "somewhere in the wiki" above, and not say
where specifically? ... answered in part 3.

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