Improving Ubuntu Help/Docs

David Tangye tangye at
Sat Apr 29 04:58:43 UTC 2006

On Sat, 2006-04-29 at 12:31 +0800, Jerome Gotangco wrote:
> David, no offense meant, but instead of planning for Part 3, I would
> rather see you get involved in the spec writing and eventually writing
> for Edgy documentation.

Thanks for the message.
I do what I think I can do best. The simple and horribly blunt answer is
that I would like to write more than the one page that I so far have if
I am satisfied that it will not become effectively be a waste of my
time. However if I am satisfied that the environment is in place to
minimise that, I certainly shall devote what time I can.

First things first though, I only spend time where I can see potential
for GREAT things, I dont have time for anything less. Part 3
specifically addresses this as much as anything.

Oh lordy, hope that did not offend anyone. (Actually too bad if i
DID :-), at least you know where I am coming from.)

Oh BTW. Look back to my posts. I NEVER attack ppl. I DO express blunt
opinions about quality of work - not who I see, but WHAT I see.

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