
Matthew East mdke at
Mon Apr 24 18:54:28 UTC 2006

On Mon, 2006-04-24 at 00:00 +0100, Matthew East wrote:
> On Sun, 2006-04-23 at 07:29 -0700, Jeff Schering wrote:
> > There are several issues concerning PDF format. Not all PDFs are
> > created equal; some are not acceptable to Lulu's printers. See a FAQ
> > here:
> Thanks for this Jeff. The problem seems mainly to do with embedding
> fonts: fop doesn't seem to do this by default, and so far, I can't
> figure out how to do it, the documentation[1] goes over my head
> somewhat.
> [1]

Ok, thanks to the kind people on the fop-users mailing list, I've got
embedded fonts working[1]. The bad news is, you can't see the damn
things in evince because of a bug[2] in poppler.



Anyway, they look great in Acrobat, so I think we're nearly there. One
more thing, the page Jeff posted seemed to suggest that the pdf files
should be 1.4, ours are 1.3. There may be nothing we can do about this,
and I would have thought that any printer can read earlier versions
equally well, I'll read a little more.

Jeff, is there anything I've failed to read from that link you posted
that we need to address? Otherwise, if we get some icons, and agree on
the covers, I'm tempted to send off a test pdf and order one copy from
Lulu (maybe for delivery to whoever lives closest!) to see how it looks.

Has anyone got any more comments about the formatting? I think I need to
look at spacing between lists a bit more, but otherwise it seems fine to

mdke at
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