New web based docbook editor project (was Re: Helpingyourdocumentation effort.)

Jerome Gotangco jgotangco at
Thu Apr 20 07:03:17 UTC 2006

In my opinion, the documentation project can extend to innovation in
the writing process and medium, not just retaining the status quo or
what we have been used to. The original documenation team made a
leapfrog when they moved to svn. In GNOME upstream, documentation
evolved from writing and improving Yelp itself (which we now see in

Now its up to the current docteam to rethink its strategies again.
Since Dapper+1 is "edgy", maybe this team should also follow? (ex.
finally think on moving to bzr for instance). A little leap of faith
might help :)

Jerome Gotangco
jgotangco at | jgotangco at
Mobile: +639196555242
GPG: 0xA97B69A0

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