what's the best wiki for docs?

Venkat Raghavan venkatraghavan at gmail.com
Wed Apr 19 18:28:14 UTC 2006

On Wednesday 19 April 2006 14:12, Duncan Lithgow wrote:

> If this has been discussed before I apologise in advance, but here goes.


> It should allow us to:
> * create groups with privileges on certain pages
> * lock pages
All of the above is possible in moin and are described on the page above. 

> * extend its abilities to include new features (eg Wiki to DocBook etc.)
This is possible in the moin 1.5 release (download a desktop moin to check out 

> * create category specific style sheets
I am not sure about this one. 

> * send email notifications of changes
You can subscribe to a page. 


Venkat 'robotgeek' Raghavan
Email: venkatvc (at) ubuntu.com | venkatraghavan (at) gmail (dot) com
GPG Key: 0xE9E707A9
Homepage: http://robotgeek.org

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