The Marketing Team Throws in One of Its Ideas

Jenda Vancura jendavancura at
Thu Apr 13 12:53:18 UTC 2006

Hash: SHA1

Hello again, documentation people.
I would like to portray to you an idea brought by me to the MT,
although not mine originally:
Shipit sends out three types of CDs, each in the number you ask for -
for free.
I propose adding a fourth item to that list, about as big as a CD
itself, and even with similar design.
That's where the Doc Team comes in, as what I have in mind is a brief
brochure that contains:

1) Hardware requirements
2) Installation instructions (including dual-boot)
3) What to check out after installation, where to get further help
4) Anything we might think of to help users (ie. connecting to the
internet, although this could be included in the SW, and the booklet
should focus on everything one needs to know _before_ they boot up
their Ubuntu desktop for the first time)

I'd like to ask the Doc Team to provide the Doc, if they're willing
and able, and we will then try taking care of the editing.
I'd also like to ask Canonical's opinion of this project, and if
they'd be willing to support it.

Note: At this moment, I have no team built to work on this, but that
will change as soon as there is some feedback and something to work with.
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