New user help center (Was Re: Firefox startup page)

Michael V. De Palatis depalatis at
Tue Apr 11 23:23:25 UTC 2006

On 4/11/06, Matthew East <mdke at> wrote:
> Ok, I've sure that you will find Dapper a big improvement in three ways...

Okay. Perhaps what I should do is actually look at the new help menu
before I comment much further on suggestions.

> > What further suggestions would you have on this idea? Personally, I am
> > now convinced that a better way to display these FAQs and links to
> > help for new users would be better served in either a desktop icon
> > link or perhaps even a system tray icon that pops up a bubble on the
> > first few boots or so (similar to the bubbles that pop up when updates
> > are availalable).
> I personally like the second idea a lot. I don't think a desktop icon is
> a good idea: the link to the help from the panel was removed so I don't
> think a desktop icon will go down well with the developers. However, a
> notification bubble showing the users how to access the help center is a
> good idea. It was discussed a few times on the desktop mailing list but
> the idea hasn't caught on. We might repropose it, I suppose.

I agree that a desktop icon is not as good a solution (especially
since I actually despise desktop icons to begin with and try to have
as few as possible). As Dapper is on its way, I figure that this is
probably an issue that is best set aside for the time being until
Dapper's release, though.

So I'll take a look at Dapper's new help center and evaluate what is
good with it, and what is not so good with it and we can go from there
with it.

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