[patch] burning CDs section

Andreas Lloyd lloydinho at gmail.com
Wed Apr 5 21:55:05 UTC 2006

Hi all,

I've reviewed and rewritten the Burning CDs section. Patch is attached.

I also tried to look at the DVD playback section, to write something on

1. whether extra codecs are needed?
2. should we recommend a better dvd player?

but I was confused by this line in the Wiki:

/"Note: With Ubuntu 6.06 (Dapper Drake), the gstreamer dvd plugin has 
not been ported to the new version of gstreamer, 0.10. Please use the 
xine backend."

/I suppose this means that Gstreamer doesn't support DVDs at the moment, 
but surely the plugin will be ported before Dapper is released despite 
of the feature freeze? If not, I guess we should recommend the 
xine-backend for Totem, but as I'm still on Breezy I can't really test 
how that works (apparently it requires uninstalling ubuntu-desktop and 
Gstreamer to install xine-backend instead. Not something I would recommend).

Anyway, I hope somebody knows more about this.



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