Hierarchy of trustworthiness (was Re: I presumptuously created a wiki page)

Duncan Lithgow duncan at lithgow-schmidt.dk
Wed Apr 5 11:54:46 UTC 2006

On Wed, 2006-04-05 at 10:08 +0100, Matthew East wrote: 
> It's quite right that a hierarchy needs to exist. 
It's always good getting back to common ground..

> But it isn't as simple
> as a-d, we need to think a lot more carefully about the distinctions we
> want to make.
So how do your thoughts differ from my a-d?

> Also, I don't think making "Raw" pages is the way we're
> going to solve this, especially where there are already indexes
> (CategoryDocumentation, TitleIndex etc).
Do you think those pages are an effective way of finding help not found
other places?

>  My preferred solution would be
> to use category tags in a more advanced way to the way they are used
> now, but this needs some careful thought.
So, again, what are your thoughts on this.


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