Ubuntu Help compared with other help systems

Matthew Paul Thomas mpt at myrealbox.com
Sat Apr 1 22:21:04 UTC 2006

On Apr 2, 2006, at 4:56 AM, Don Scorgie wrote:
> ...
> Attached is a patch that adds a title to the top of the categories.   
> In the patch, it reads as "This is a placeholder string" until wording  
> is decided (if you decide to use the patch).  It replaces the other  
> patch.
> As before, screenshot at:
> http://donscorgie.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/Screenshot-Help-Topics-with- 
> title.png
> ...

If this order is retained, I'd prefer "The following are other document  
sections available:" to be shortened to "Other help" (with no colon).

Also, regardless of order, all phrases of the form "The ______ Guide is  
an introduction to" should be deleted. They're redundant.

Anyway, it's great that you're trying out new ideas, but I don't think  
this one is achieving much. The problem isn't the order of items on the  
front page, it's that the wrong things are on the front page. For  
example, "Ubuntu Packaging Guide" is on there, but is *completely*  
irrelevant to the vast majority of people using Ubuntu. "Maintenance  
and troubleshooting" would be useful to most people, but isn't there.  
"Other Documentation" is on there, but is almost meaningless. "Playing  
music and video" would be useful to most people, but isn't there. And  
so on.

Matthew Paul Thomas

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