Make scripts for i18n

Claude Paroz paroz at
Sat Sep 17 12:13:14 UTC 2005

Le samedi 17 septembre 2005 à 11:12 +0100, Matthew East a écrit :
> On Sat, 2005-09-17 at 12:03 +0200, Claude Paroz wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I would like to generate (for review purpose) the about-ubuntu html file
> > in French. The Makefile in the gnome folder in the svn repos is used to
> > generate the "C" version. Is it planned to customize this Makefile to
> > generate other languages versions ?
> Hi Claude,
> As yet we hadn't intended to do this. It is a good idea however. As the
> translations have been finishing, I have been committing them to our
> repository and creating the xml files manually. As you may know, we will
> be releasing our documentation in xml format for the Ubuntu desktop,
> although probably html files will be needed as the firefox homepage, and
> we can also add them to the preview server.
> Perhaps someone will take care of sorting this out, or if you would like
> to send us a patch for the makefile, I'm sure this would be welcome.

I'm not so experienced with Makefiles, but I managed to simply replace
"C" occurrences by a LANG variable in the Makefile of gnome folder. I
didn't touch the images processing.
The script still required to be manually modified to generate html for
other languages, as I don't know if a language parameter could be passed
to the make command. Maybe someone could improve this later.

For XML generation from .po files, the script was aimed to that.
I didn't check if it is still accurate...


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