Make scripts for i18n

Matthew East mdke at
Sat Sep 17 10:12:46 UTC 2005

On Sat, 2005-09-17 at 12:03 +0200, Claude Paroz wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to generate (for review purpose) the about-ubuntu html file
> in French. The Makefile in the gnome folder in the svn repos is used to
> generate the "C" version. Is it planned to customize this Makefile to
> generate other languages versions ?

Hi Claude,

As yet we hadn't intended to do this. It is a good idea however. As the
translations have been finishing, I have been committing them to our
repository and creating the xml files manually. As you may know, we will
be releasing our documentation in xml format for the Ubuntu desktop,
although probably html files will be needed as the firefox homepage, and
we can also add them to the preview server.

Perhaps someone will take care of sorting this out, or if you would like
to send us a patch for the makefile, I'm sure this would be welcome.

Matthew East
mdke at
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