faqguide -> desktop/server guides

Matt Kirchhoff mek at somnonym.org
Fri Oct 28 16:55:53 UTC 2005

On Fri, 2005-10-28 at 10:14 +0100, Matthew East wrote:
> Hi all,
> Apologies for spamming the commit list, but after the email discussion
> recently I have taken the time to:
> * move the faqguide into gnome/
> * rename the faqguide into desktopguide
> * make a copy of the desktopguide and called it the serverguide (work
> can now be done on eliminating overlaps and speccing out the serverguide
> properly)

Nice! Well, I thought this would be a good time to take a crack at my
first svn patch, so I took an easy change: removing the DHCP server
section, since this shouldn't be applicable to a desktop. Let me know if
I did something horribly wrong! 

Also, I noticed that at the top of the MySQL page in Yelp are some
hyperlinks back up to the Networking section. This isn't true of the
other sections under Networking--bug?

Diff attached.

Matt Kirchhoff

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