Sec: Unclassified - New contributions without docbook

Mauricio Hernandez mhz.chile at
Tue Oct 18 03:04:14 UTC 2005

On 10/17/05, Stoffers, Robert LAC <Robert.Stoffers at> wrote:
> I'd just like to add an idea of mine to that if I may: what if we accepted new document contributions done on the Ubuntu wiki and "converted" them to docbook ourselves?

Robert, thanks for writing that. Actually, Matt (mdke) had asked to
write about pretty much same idea this monday chilean morning (on

I was telling him to take advantage of what we already have (Moin,
DocBook, Svn, etc) in a most proper way.
IMHO, Moin is perfec to start documenting stuff under collaborative environment.

So, if we can make a solid WikiTeam, they can filter wiki pages, set
them in accordance to what DocBookTeam needs, and have DocBookTeam do
their job, with SVN or Bazaar.

This way, we all get what we need and also give better use to tools
already available and/or best manage.
Kindest regards,

Mauricio Hernandez Z.

"Hell is repeating someone else's mistakes" (JPS)

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