Two items for Friday's IRC meeting agenda

john levin john at
Mon Oct 17 23:15:49 UTC 2005

Hi all,

This Friday's meeting seems to be very much about preparing for Breezy 
and UBZ, judging from the wiki page:

I'd like to suggest two (less urgent) items for it - and canvas opinion 
on this list before adding them to the agenda.

1: Ubuntu Traffic. I, and others on this list, think this is a very 
important thing to do. A great resource when it was running, the 
increased number of lists - and increased number of posts - make it all 
the more important.

2: Xubuntu documentation. (For those that don't know, Xubuntu is going 
to be a lightweight Ubuntu, using XFCE as the desktop. There's already a 
Xubuntu-base in the repositories.) I'm going to email the Xubuntu 
development list raising the question of what xubuntu does about docs. 
Although there will be different 'frontline' applications, there may be 
crossover (eg: sudo, using Rosetta) with Ubuntu and Kubuntu.

Both these items could easily wait a fortnight if the agenda is full for 
this Friday.

Personal notice: I don't think I'll have much time to do any 
ubuntu-oriented work until the new year, but would like to start 
planning for Xubuntu-docs.



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