New Doc for Kubuntu -- KQuicktour -- Marketing Team?

Daniel Robitaille robitaille at
Fri Nov 4 08:14:02 UTC 2005

> Riddel and I were talking on #kubuntu-devel today about the new quicktour.
> We would like to use the doc as well to highlight and draw more attention to
> Kubuntu as well.  On my local copy I have created /trunk/kde/kquicktour and
> will be commiting it in the morning so more people can work on it if the
> would like.

that's a very good idea.

> Also at one time I thought the Marketing team might be working on this and
> would hope they could work as well on the kquicktour.

Marketing team?  which marketing team :)
>From what I can see, there are currently  2 Ubuntu marketing teams:

One defined around the mailing list ubuntu-marketing at
And one on the forums an

The mailing list seems pretty quiet these days; the marketing forum
are slightly busier, but it seems they tend to  keep for themselves
away from the Ubuntu official team structure (by choice)

To my best knowledge there hasn't been any interest (in public) in
either team on taking over the Quicktour for Dapper.  Unless there is
a strong interest from them, the Quicktour document could stay in the
sphere of influence of the DocTeam; its future as a Docteam project to
probably be decided at the DocTeam meeting in a few hours.

To go a bit OT for the DocTeam list, but one idea that floating
briefly on the marketing list last week (I think originally from
Jerome) was to come up with a standard series of slides about Ubuntu. 
A sort of expanded QuickTour using slides to describe and sell Ubuntu
to be given to LoCo teams for translation and use in their local sale
pitches (I would assume something in he order of a 10-15 minutes
presentation)  I think this project for Ubuntu (and the corresponding
set for Kubuntu) could be a nice complement to the Dapper Quicktour
html/pdf document itself.  But all this should probably be discussed
on the marketing list instead of here.

Daniel Robitaille

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