Please read Inclusion of Doc spec

Matthew East mdke at
Wed Nov 2 15:43:10 UTC 2005

On Wed, 2005-11-02 at 07:31 -0800, Daniel Robitaille wrote:
> > >    3. push for fixed dates for the point releases"
> > >
> > > Not sure I understand exactly what is #3.  Point releases of what?
> > > The docs?  Dapper?  The schedule is going to be fixed for Dapper, and
> > > thus for the docs as well.  Not sure what it is to push since
> > > everything will be fixed soon.
> >
> > The Colony/Array releases are not currently on a schedule. If
> > possibly, it would be nice if those were on a schedule.
> my recollection is that the Sounders were on the schedule for Warty,
> but it didn't work well, since these points release are done, as seen
> for all 3 releases, when the distro team feel they have an installable
> version; which is not always consistent with a schedule done months
> beforehand.
> But in any case, this is not really docteam spec-issue but a distro
> team issue: our latest docs are always in the repo, and in theory
> should always be ready to install on moments notice; unless there is a
> syntax error in them, which shouldn't be the case if tested before a
> commit; and even then, should be solved before the next twice-weekly
> update.

Only thing I'd say about this, is that if we are gonna start uploading
stuff soon, the question of reorganisation of the repo and the possible
switch to gnome-doc-utils for the ubuntu part becomes (even more)
important. There will be a fair amount of initial work required to fix
the packages after the layout reorganisation (in fact there already is).

Shame if jbailey can't help, because he is really familiar with
everything and is keen on investigating things like integration of
translations with language-packs.

What caused the move away from him to Daniel?

mdke at
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