Ubuntuguide.org translations

matthew.east.ubuntu at breathe.com matthew.east.ubuntu at breathe.com
Thu May 19 08:52:29 UTC 2005

> I have temporarily put a a xhtml 1.1 version of the ubuntuguide on my web space:
>    http://www3.telus.net/robitaille/guide/ 
> According to http://validator.w3.org/  is is a valid xhtml1.1
> document. (and if you are wondering: a xhtml 1.1 document should be
> very similar to a xhtml1.0 strict document)

That's extremely helpful thanks a million! I'll give it a try, and we can 
see. Have a bit of patience, I can only try this when I get home this 

> Essentially I had to change 3 files from the original online guide: 
> http://www3.telus.net/robitaille/guide/index.html
> http://www3.telus.net/robitaille/guide/style.css
> http://www3.telus.net/robitaille/guide/print.css

I am only passing index.html into the pot converter, the idea is that when 
the translated po files are converted back to html, it will still work 
together with the css. We'll see! If it works, then we can think about 
whether we want to make this a solution for translating UbuntuGuide in the 

The other thing that we might like to consider is whether it is going to be 
possible to do something similar to the translation work which has already 
been going on. This would be a question of doing the same modifications to 
the .html files that they are working on privately. 

thanks, Matt

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