Ubuntuguide.org translations

Daniel Robitaille robitaille at gmail.com
Wed May 18 20:25:25 UTC 2005

> The ONLY solution is to have the doc in strict xhtml/xml docbook, in
> which case the transfer to a .pot file and to Rosetta would be _really_
> easy. The only thing I can hope is that future releases of UbuntuGuide
> will be done in that way, unless somebody is prepared to port the guide
> to xml.

it's a bit of work to initially go to strict xhtml as a web
developper, but once it is done you feel good about it :)

After a quick 30-second look at the source code of ubuntuguide.org, I
don't think it is that far off from being a "strict" document.   I'll
try to take a longer look at it later tonight.

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