Ubuntuguide.org translations

matthew.east.ubuntu at breathe.com matthew.east.ubuntu at breathe.com
Wed May 18 10:52:35 UTC 2005

> Andrew, to answer you, I am asking a semi-retorical questions about
> process in integrating new people, and then we ask them :)

Also, here its not so much a question of involving people in the docteam: 
the docteam does not translate documentation. Its really a question of 
trying to find a cool way to coordinate the translation so that people are 
not left to translate the ENTIRE ubuntuguide by themselves. If the 
ubuntuguide was ported to xml, Rosetta would be a possibility. However from 
what Carlos says, it seems that a html->pot process would be a bit 
difficult. Ideas? 


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