wiki transfer plans
Robin Shannon
robin.shannon at
Wed May 18 00:52:52 UTC 2005
2005/5/18, Henrik Nilsen Omma <henrik at>:
> To gain a bit more structure in the wiki cloud, we plan to set up
> regions (defined by sub-page structures) of the wiki for certain
> categories of material. Please see a diagram of the proposed new wiki
> structure here:
Does moinmoin support namespaces? if so that is a far easier way of
doing things than subpages, since it would allow you to link from
foo:bar to foo:baz with [baz] rather than [foo/baz] which would be the
result of subpages. Another question about moin, does it support piped
links, cause if it doesnt that would make subpages even worse.
> Local language areas
> --------------------
> It was felt that it would be better to group all the pages of a certain
> language together, much as they are currently grouped, instead of having
> PageName and it's translations PageName/fr, PageName/de. This is because
> it makes it easier to browse the tree of a given language, and because
> many of these pages are written originally in that language and may not
> have an English equivalent.
again, can this be done with namespaces? Also, shouldnt we really be
aiming for language equality, and have all english articles at
en:foo:bar (or en/foo/bar, if there arent namespaces. Or even better,
create seperate wikis, and then have <>.
Speaking again from my experiences on wikipedia (which may or may not
be relevent); There have been a couple of splits (most notably
encyclopedia libre) over language equality issues.
The thing to remember about wikis is that they have this terrible
habit of growing out of control, and so it is vital to have set down
proper organisation as close to the begining as possible.
> Another option we should give serious consideration is performing the
> bulk of the transfer by hand. (what, manually? are you crazy?) The
> advantage with this is that we would have the opportunity to do some
> thorough wiki gardening in the process. The 1500 pages could
> realistically be transfered by a team of 10-15 volunteers during a few
> hours, esp. if we can start from a list in raw text format.
I think this is the best option, for a relativly small wiki such as
this, cause if sorely needs some better organisation. I'm more than
willing to help out, however i still havent managed to get IRC working
from behind the network im on, and i presume that it would all be
coordinated from there, so that might be a prob.
peace out,
hit me: <>
jab me: <robin.shannon at>
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