Observations in packaged Ubuntu Documentation (Hoary)

Jonathan Jesse jjesse at iserv.net
Mon May 16 16:46:29 UTC 2005

On Monday 16 May 2005 10:25 am, Matthew Thomas wrote:
> Important stuff first: I would love to start work on the Ubuntu help,
> this week, if only I could work out how to do it. None of the help docs
> seem to be in the ubuntu-docs SVN repository (except for the Quick
> Guide), and I can't find them in the Web mirror of Gnome CVS either.
> So can someone please tell me where to start? (And please don't tell me
> the front page is "auto-generated", I've been told that several times
> already, I want to know *how to change it*.)

The first place to start is by using Subversion to checkout the current guides 
nand then start hacking away at it.  Start at 
which should show you how to download the repos.  Join the #ubuntu--doc 
channel on irc to help you out w/ more questisons

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