wiki and automatic tutorial

Henrik Nilsen Omma henrik at
Mon May 16 11:27:39 UTC 2005

Robin Shannon wrote:

>G'day all,
>Just before i start, i should introduce myself to the list. My name's
>robin, im an aussie, and a newbie to linux. I've been using Hoary
>since it was released.
>Two comments on the documentation that may or may not have been raised
>elsewhere. Firstly; the wiki. Is there any chance of moving to wiki
>software that supports talk pages. 
We are moving to Moin which will let us use Talk pages (yay!). We'll
have a test site set up shortly.

>The second thing is realting to a post i made on the forum, which i paste below:
>"What ubuntu really needs, to be able to fight windoze and OSX (other
>than the bling already mentioned) is a built-in tutorial as an option
>at the end of the instillation. There would be four different
>tutorials (plus an option to say i dont want no stinking tutorial).
>The four would be beginer (this is my first computer), intermediate
>(ive come from windoze/OSX), advanced (ive come from a different linux
>distro), and update (ive come from the previous version of Ubuntu and
>want to know what's new).
Sounds like a good idea. We have lots of FAQs and HOWTOs, but I agree
that tutorials that are properly targeted would be very useful. (let's
have lots of screenshots) The really introductory ones could even go on
the LiveCD Win-FOSS side too. (

>Anyway, sorry if it sounds like im telling anyone what to do, im just
>offereing a perspective of what me, as an end user, would like to see.
>So far what everyone involved in ubuntu has done is great, but we need
>to take it to the next level, and docs are really the only area i am
>able to help in. Though with luck, my attempt to learn to program will
>pay off and i can get involved in the tech side aswell, but for now i
>will be trying to help out here as much as i can here (which due to
>afore mentioned newbie status is less than i would like it to be).
Great. Welcome to the list! I suggest you start a simple page about your
idea in the wiki and then link of to 4 sub-pages where development can

- Henrik

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