Ideas please

squareyes squareyes at
Sun May 15 14:30:25 UTC 2005

Hi all,
have put together a help file for new to Ubuntu users,
some Warty, some Hoary, will update files to Hoary when I
get a copy.  Am buying one which should be here next week.
Have dialup, so download is not an option, and cheaper to buy
than use fuel to get someone to download for me.

Work still in progress, all in html. Have no idea how to write docs,
having enough problems keeping track of CSS. Brain is getting old.
Am a newbie. I live in a very small town (620) and the nearest
linux user I have any physical contact with is 40 miles away,
so don't get together very often. Am the only Linux user in town.
Have made this up to write to CD and give away with the Hoary CD's
when they come, hoping to keep any problems to a minimum, as
most here are barely familiar with Windows. Still they haven't been
too corrupted yet. Still to learn any bad habits.
Would appreciate any criticism, and  suggestions as to how  it could be
improved. Anyone is welcome to it if they can use it. I have no idea how
it could be posted, or even if it should be. I may break whatever
I tried to post it on. :-)
Thanks in advance
Take Care

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