Sean Wheller sean at inwords.co.za
Wed May 11 18:27:33 UTC 2005

On Wednesday 11 May 2005 20:26, Stoos, Ralph wrote:
> Made a Ubuntu CD form a friend today and whipped up a document to show him
> how to add KDE to it through Synaptic.  It is in Openoffice format and
> contains graphics.  If this doesn't exist anywhere yet (or will change with
> Breezy) I could massage it into text easily and use it as a first guinea
> pig to learn on.  It may never see light of screen but, maybe somebody
> could review and make sure it is done correctly. 
> Have lots of disk drives and several computers so I can load (or
> reload) Breezy (or update with Synaptic) daily, hourly, nightly or
> whenever.

You can extend this document

It can be checkout from SVN and is locate din 


Sean Wheller
Technical Author
sean at inwords.co.za
Registered Linux User #375355
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