Another IRC meeting? Suggest agenda items here.

Jeff Schering jeffschering at
Mon May 9 18:38:42 UTC 2005

On 5/4/05, Mary Gardiner <mary-sounder at> wrote:
> Or to put it another way, suggest agenda items here (in as much detail
> as you can, including the goal -- ie what we need to decide on). If

1. Indexing the Wiki cloud

Creators of wiki pages can parent them pretty much anywhere (not a bad
thing) so the wiki ends up being more or less randomly organized, more
like a cloud of pages. The various Front Page suggestions and threads
are a good start to this index, and we need to decide which one to go

2. Farming the Wiki cloud

To push the agricultural metaphor even further: gardening the wiki is
ok, but some serious farming is needed. The pages need to be edited
for (most importantly) accuracy. Many could also use some
clarification, not to mention adjustments to grammar and spelling.
There's probably a certain amount of overlap and contradiction that
needs to be rectified.

3. Harvesting the Wiki cloud

We can copy some of the information from the wiki and stick it into
our "official" docs in svn so that it eventually ends up on the
desktop. Also, over time, some pages become useless or out-of-date,
and these pages need to be deleted.

GPG Key: 1024D/F23C67E8 2005-02-20 Jeff Schering <jeffschering at>

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