the wiki FrontPage discussion rolls on

Matthew east matthew.east.ubuntu at
Tue May 3 01:10:11 UTC 2005

On Tue, 2005-05-03 at 10:45 +1000, Mary Gardiner wrote:
> On Tue, May 03, 2005, Matthew East wrote:
> > attracted by the idea of a really simple minimalist frontpage, I've
> > edited the below page a bit to see if it might be able to provide a good
> > access point for the wiki. obviously, some work would need to be done to
> > make the second-level pages a bit more user friendly, but in my opinion
> > this sort of minimal thing is a good start towards the problems we've
> > been discussing on the list about entry access. Views?
> Generally nice. I think the description of "User documentation" should
> be less generic than "Here you can find documentation to help you with
> your Ubuntu system, in English and other languages," if at all possible.
> At the very least, a few examples of the kinds of things it contains
> could go in the description. Simple is great, but vague should be
> avoided where possible :)

Yes I agree. Please feel free to amend the page!

> However, this can of course be improved after it goes into place.

I would love to put this page in place now, but will delay for 2
reasons. First, I think that sadly the second level pages (such as
TheUbuntuCommunity, kindly created by a user recently, and
UserDocumentation) are not ready for it yet. We can work on those now.
Secondly, I would like to expose this page to a bit more feedback on
this list and from wiki users.


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