Harnassing the Gnome User Guide for our document

matthew.east.ubuntu at breathe.com matthew.east.ubuntu at breathe.com
Wed Jun 29 09:38:00 UTC 2005

> On th eplus side vendor drops will accelerate our ability to build documents 
> by repurposing upstream content. On the downside, it adds a level of 
> complexity that may increase the barrier to entry for new people.

Yeah again the entry question is what would concern me here. I would tend to 
copy and paste as far as the gnome docs are concerned: as Corey and Sean (Q) 
have said, they are out of date, so it will be question of carefully 
selecting which bits are useful, and probably doing some corrections to make 
sure the docs are up to date with gnome 2.12. 

However with kde it may be a different matter: the docs are probably better 
so can be dropped in using the method Sean (W) describes. 


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