Wiki: IconsPage

Daniel Robitaille robitaille at
Mon Jun 27 22:41:30 UTC 2005

Henrik Nilsen Omma wrote:
> I've resurrected some of them now, but it seems there are several more
> missing. The rest can be found here:
> Like
> It would
> be great if others would help with extracting them, if not I'll get to
> it. I seems my image auto-harvesting script failed on these because
> reading them requires you to be logged in (I have no idea why).
> Putting them in 'lostimages' is not really a good solution though. The
> best approach would probably be to make a page called wiki/icons and
> upload them all as attachments there. They could then be referred to
> from any page as attachment:wiki/icons/Name.png Looking at the Moin file
> structure it looks like I should be able to simply place the images in
> .../PageName/attachments (in the file structure on the server) and Moin
> should realise that they belong to the page. I'll try that tomorrow.

isn't what the original wiki page "IconsPage" was:  a repository for these icons. So we simply need to repair IconsPage 
by uploading all the missing attachements there and will be set  without the need for a new wiki page named 
"wiki/icons"?  Or I'm missing something?

Daniel Robitaille

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