[proposal] hacking the kubuntu user guide

Sean Wheller sean at inwords.co.za
Mon Jun 20 21:33:45 UTC 2005


Herewith follows a method proposal for hacking the Kubuntu User Guide. 
Thoughts and ideas welcomed.

A few people, other than myself, have expressed interest in hacking this 
document. People have been waiting for an outline. So by end of this week I 
will commit an outline. This will be open to comment and edit by those 

In order to speed development I will try to comment the outline so that people 
may gain a better idea of what I was thinking while doing the outline. I know 
it is hard to get your mind into somebody else's thoughts when all you have 
is an outline.

Based on this outline or an improved version thereof, I propose that people 
take ownship of parts as described in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocteamWork
Topic: Marking what you do.

To further speed development I propose repurposing upstream text on a 
selective basis utilizing XInclude and XPointer standards as described here 
http://www.sagehill.net/docbookxsl/ModularDoc.html . Anyone contributing 
should read this and if there are things they are not sure about they can ask 

For convenience I will make a 'vendor drop' of the kde-docs upstream 
in /vendor/kde/ . Anyone wishing to use XIncludes will need a copy of /vendor 
relative to their /trunk . This will ensure consistency of XInclude paths 
between authors. The folder layout will look like this


As and when required xml nodes from KDE documents can be easily imported to 
the user guide by reference, not buy copy and paste.

This bring the question, "What if you want to make a change to text that is 
part of an Xinlcude?"

The change must be made in the vendor folder. However, it is important only to 
make changes that are acceptable to upstream. In other words, the change must 
not be kubuntu related. It must be generic.

If this is done I can diff and patch then move patches upstream to kde.

Next topic. I asked if people would like to use a glossary. People said yes 
and I pointed at http://computerdictionary.tsf.org.za/ . This can be used as 
a build dependancy for generating a glossary using the the following method 

Thoughts questions? Silence will be interpreted as consent :-)

Sean Wheller
Technical Author
sean at inwords.co.za
Registered Linux User #375355
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