get the facts: Ship XML or HTML? That is the question.

Sean Wheller sean at
Sun Jun 19 20:47:24 UTC 2005

On Sunday 19 June 2005 22:03, Henrik Nilsen Omma wrote:
> You give as your interpretation for why there is still controversy
> around the HTML/XML issue as 'people either have not understood my
> previous communications or have forgotten the discussion we have had in
> the past'. 

Please read ubuntu-doc logs.

> This is first of all an insult to those who have independent 
> views on the subject and also missing the point. People are upset
> because you have 'made a decision'. I'm sorry, but you are not in a
> position to make unilateral decisions on behalf of the doc team. I
> suggest you get out of that habit and refrain from phrasing things in
> that way in the future if you want to have a fruitful discussion with
> the rest of the team

As I tried to illustrate, I never made a unilateral decision it was decided in 
the community at a time when I was one of the only people actually doing any 
work on the docs. I thought the artifacts demonstrated this.

> As it happens, I tend to agree with your view that we should prepare the
> documentation in HTML but I also want to coordinate that with the
> Technical Board. I do not see the wisdom in your actively lobbying for
> us to avoid contact and consultation with other parts of the ubuntu
> community. The doc team needs more collaboration and integration with
> the rest, not less.

How will the technical board make a decision? Between what and what? People 
have stated that they think it is not feasible from a distro perspective. But 
I have never seen reasoning to substantiate this point of view.

> I will not comment on the technical point of your document because I
> feel there is a more important point to be made here about community
> spirit and integration.

Fair enough.

> >I hope this document has explained my actions and position on the topic. I
> >welcome discussion and questions. If the community still feel the need to
> >invoke a technical board, I shall respect that decision and, in the event
> > of a motion in favor of shipping XML, I trust that the community will
> > respect my choice to abstain from the project.
> >  
> You are basically saying in your conclusion that either the technical
> decision would go your way or you will take your ball elsewhere to play.
> I might just remind you that when we last spoke on the phone you
> confirmed to me that you had _already_ left the team and that your
> decision was final. If the threat that you will leave is he concluding
> argument in your document, I must say that it seems a bit of an empty
> threat considering that you have already left.

Well at present I am here. But I am not doing my usual amount of work. After 
speaking to some people I was persuaded to wait until the matter could be 

Sean Wheller
Technical Author
sean at
Registered Linux User #375355
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