Web sites for docteam

Matthew east matthew.east.ubuntu at breathe.com
Thu Jun 2 23:42:29 UTC 2005

> Not sure you will need to integrate it. What we will be developing is a full 
> web-based application. With multiple books available. Trying to run it under 
> another web-app will just complicate it and fear losing screen real-estate to 
> functions that are not a part of the help system.
> The same application will be installed and deployed with the distro. Hmmm, 
> actually perhaps this will make help.ubuntu.com rather redundant. The 
> difference is that on help.ubuntu you will have all documents in all 
> languages and google based search, whereas on the distro we will only install 
> key docs and eachlang will be in a separate lang pack (well that's what I am 
> asked to believe). Example of a doc that will not be packaged is the 
> Installation Guide. No need once you have the product installed. Maybe it is 
> just good to have them all there. Not sure.


> Thoughts, ideas etc. all welcome.

ok I don't know much about this so take my views just for what they are
worth: this seems all very complicated to me. What is wrong with
converting the documents into html and uploading them to the support
section of the Ubuntu website?

As for what will be deployed with the distro, has this application that
you speak of been confirmed with the boys who make these kind of
decisions? I feel that it will be necessary for them to make the call as
to what sort of application documentation will be viewed in. It also
depends fairly significantly on upstream considerations from gnome/kde
as far as I can see.

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