Dropping CamelCase

Matthew Thomas mpt at myrealbox.com
Tue Jul 5 12:03:48 UTC 2005

Dick Davies wrote:
> * Matthew Thomas <mpt at myrealbox.com> [0742 13:42]: 
>>CamelCase may be part of the charm of traditional wikis, but it is
>>inappropriate if we want to be able to reuse wiki-written docs in
>>packaged help for offline use.
> Sorry, I just walked in, but isn't this what \LeadingSlashesToEscapeWikiCase
> is for ?

I don't think so. First, it doesn't work in Moin. Second, even if it
did, wiki editors wouldn't bother much of the time. And third, even if
they did bother, that would only solve the false positive problem, not
the capitalization ambiguity problem.

Matthew Thomas

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