Qucik Guide Outline Question

Enrico Zini enrico at enricozini.org
Sat Jan 29 07:36:56 UTC 2005

On Sat, Jan 29, 2005 at 09:00:14AM +0200, Sean Wheller wrote:

> Yes, I am aware of the goals and the spec. What I am questioning is the logic 
> of explaining how to install ubuntu in the quick guide. The reality is that 
> ubuntu will already be installed when the user starts using ubuntu. As far as 
> I know there is no requirement to produce a print format and using a quick 
> guide for installation is scary, IMHO.

I remember one of the ideas was to possibly have a pocket book, where
the Installation chapter would list what happens when everything goes
well and point to other sources for expert usage and troubleshooting.

If noone intends to make a printed version anymore, then I think that
what you say makes a lot of sense.  Maybe we could forget about the
install section at the moment, and put it in only when someone considers
printing it for real.

> I would not want to explain how to install ubuntu. The closest thing I to 
> instalation that I would put in quick guide is how to install additional 
> applications via synaptic.

Seconded: I think that's needed, and could probably be covered in the
chapter about Synaptic, possibly xrefing to it from the introduction.



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