Automated Status Reports

Enrico Zini enrico at
Sat Jan 29 01:08:42 UTC 2005

On Thu, Jan 20, 2005 at 09:24:52PM +0200, Sean Wheller wrote:

> I have completed a second revision of the xsl used to generate the report 
> documents and created 'make status' target to automate building of these 
> reports.

One problem to notify (filed as #5976): the QuickGuide status reports
"NO STATUS" for everything, but there is plenty of <authorblurb> tags

> Enrico, it's up to you know to figure out how you want to get these sources to 
> mako. If you need more help on this let me know.

Should be getting there.  Today I wrote a script here that makes a build
and puts a .tar.gz online in a secret location (needs to be secret
because I don't have enough bandwidth to support a public one).

I then notified this secret location to mako, who can now cron a "wget
file ; tar zxf file" to be executed every now and then to update his

As soon as mako crons this, we should have fairly updated pages (I still
need to run the script by hand at home, though).



GPG key: 1024D/797EBFAB 2000-12-05 Enrico Zini <enrico at>
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