Ubuntu Dual Boot Writeup

Sean Wheller sean at inwords.co.za
Thu Jan 27 05:20:12 UTC 2005

On Friday 28 January 2005 02:50, Kevin Mulligan wrote:
> I've created an article about dual booting Ubuntu with Windows 2000/XP. It
> is more in text form than a step by step process. Would this be useful to
> the DocTeam to help fill in parts of the guides? If you use it, all I ask
> is that my name is kept with it.
>  I've put the text below. I would try accessing svn or DocBook or whatever
> else you all are using, but that is a bit above my head so I thought I
> would throw it on here and let you all deal with it as you wish. Just
> trying to give a piece back to the community.
>  --Kevin

Hello Kevin,

Thanks for the writeup. I will add it to the User Guide for you and add your 
name to the contrib list. Unfortunately we don't mark authors names in the 
sections written by an author, we just add people to the contributors list. 
Is this OK with you.

BTW. If you need help getting rolling with SVN and Docbook etc. Just let me 
know. I will be happy to help.

General Note for Enrico.

I think we need a piece on DocTeam home page where people who don't use 
Docbook can add writeups like this one from Kevin. This way they can be 
collected in a single place and added.

Sean Wheller
Technical Author
sean at inwords.co.za
Registered Linux User #375355
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