[long] Canonical are you serious?

Enrico Zini enrico at enricozini.org
Mon Jan 24 08:06:05 UTC 2005

On Sun, Jan 23, 2005 at 11:23:26PM -0800, Matt Zimmerman wrote:

> > Great. So can we have decision on the following by today:
> > 1. SVN or Bazaar?
> > 2. When can either of the above be implimented?
> #1 is up to you guys: whatever will enable you to work most effectively.
> I will chase down #2 once #1 is decided.

We probably miss an opinion from the admins to be able to choose:

SVN 1.1.2
 - We are all already used to svn, although Sean is the only one knowing
   about vendor drops at the moment
 - Sean already investigated a way of doing things  
 - We don't know if that can be installed in the server farm

 - Almost none of us is used to baz
 - We would like to learn it and we've planned to have a baz playground
   anyway, so we could use the Gnome User's Manual work as such a
 - We haven't investigated how to do this work with baz
 - It may be easier to get a baz solution installed in the servers

There are two unknowns here:
 1. If this work can be done with baz
 2. What's possible to do server-side

baz-savy people can answer about 1, but only the admins can answer about
2: I'm Cc-ing this mail to them.



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