[Request] Review User Guide 'Welcome'

Nick Loeve ubuntu at trickie.org
Fri Jan 21 00:18:35 UTC 2005

Hey Sean,

Did a quick review here at work (i'll have another detailed spellcheck 
etc later).
Here is a patch for a few things i found.

Well done. Nice Intro to Ubuntu.

One thing i thought of, is that there is quite a few almost 'geek' terms 
like dependancies , X ect, which most people will not understand. I 
suppose you have to get detailed at some point :)

;) trickie (Nick Loeve)

Sean Wheller wrote:

>I have a first draft of the 'Welcome' chapter for the Ubuntu User Guide. Much 
>of this will be used the AboutUbuntu page. Please could others review 
>Please note that XPointer has been used to include the Release Notes (see end 
>of doc).
>Run 'make status' and look at 'User Guide Report' for a view of the status. If 
>you choose to review a piece, please change to 'reviewing' status and add 
>your name in an authorblurb.
>Many thanks. Enjoy.

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