Release Notes Where?

Matt Zimmerman mdz at
Wed Jan 19 16:49:08 UTC 2005

On Wed, Jan 19, 2005 at 11:23:47PM +0800, Enrico Zini wrote:

> On Tue, Jan 18, 2005 at 10:15:56PM +1100, Nick Loeve wrote:
> > Enrico or Sean (or anyone else), do you know where the release notes are 
> > going to be stored, and where will they appear?
> I imagine one copy goes into the CD, one in the website linked from
> announcements about Hoary and yes, probably also one linked from the
> About Ubuntu page; however, this is just my common sense, and I've sent
> a mail to mdz asking where we can find an official voice for that.

They should be included in a package (possibly a new one), and also
published on the website.  In the desktop, they could be viewed with yelp,
or a browser, whatever makes sense to you folks.

 - mdz

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