#ubuntu-doc report for 2004-01-15

Enrico Zini enrico at enricozini.org
Sun Jan 16 01:50:27 UTC 2005

#ubuntu-doc report for 2004-01-15

Note: I couldn't make the #ubuntu-doc report for 2004-01-14 because the
logging bot stopped working and I have a blank until the morning of the

* Work on the Gnome User's Guide

Froud proposed making a vendor branch of the Gnome User's Guide in our
repository.  Enrico reminded that during the docteam bof, jdub said that
the Gnome people were working on making it easy to rebrand the Gnome
User's Guide, so we should instead work with them on that.

I remember someone was in contact with the Gnome User's Guide people:
Sivan, was that you?

* Marking who's working at a chapter

Enrico remembered talks about how to track who's working at a chapter by
using <authorblurb> tags, but couldn't get what agreement came out of
that.  Froud will reply on the list with a recap of it.

* Step by step pages on contributing

We recently had a jump in the quality and professionality of the way we
do things, but that made things a bit unclear for people who didn't
follow discussions very closely.  Enrico said he's going to make some
step-by-step pages on contributing:

 - "how to write text" (add your name as authorblurb(?), write things, commit)
 - "how to review" (read, post comments in the list, fix typos and
   commit, discuss bigger things in the list with the people in
 - "how to contact the others" (mail in the list, with a "if I don't see
   people disagreeing within 3 days, I'll go on"; ping obviously
   interested people on IRC or private mail)

This is to give a chance to occasional people and lazy people to jump in
and start doing things along a clear path, without needing to figure out
how things work.



GPG key: 1024D/797EBFAB 2000-12-05 Enrico Zini <enrico at debian.org>
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