Packaging the FAQ Guide (was #ubuntu-doc report for 2004-01-06)

Sean Wheller sean at
Sun Jan 9 21:13:04 UTC 2005

On Sunday 09 January 2005 21:59, Alexander Poslavsky wrote:
> > > Anyway, for starters I would like to get this to work for gnome. If we
> > > could get a reasonably good documentation platform than others will
> > > join. But we need a working platform, extesible, with linking between
> > > the docs etc.
> >
> > Which brings me back to the question, why have separate OMF files. If we
> > have linking between docs it means that each document is dependant on the
> > other. So I think we should have a single OMF with multiple resources,
> > each resources has its own seriesid.
> You lost me there old boy,  me being a simple farmer and all...

OK. If you intend to use yelp, then you will want scrollkeeper too. This 
requires OMF's. Sivang wanted an OMF per book as he felt that third parties 
may use the docs. Once you use inter-doc links they become dependant on one 
another, so I voted for a single OMF with multiple resources (1 for each 
book) and each resource having its own seriesid.

> So in short: two packages, one for gnome and one for kde would solve
> this nicely and they can both be build from the same source, so we
> just need to add a --build kde to the makefile and we would be set.

I have a bug to take a look at this. You see once you use g:help linking 
between the books, the links no longer outside of yelp/scrollkeeper.

Sean Wheller
Technical Author
sean at
Registered Linux User #375355
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