#ubuntu-doc report for 2004-01-04 and 2004-01-05

Enrico Zini enrico at enricozini.org
Thu Jan 6 17:10:31 UTC 2005

#ubuntu-doc report for 2004-01-04 and 2004-01-05

* More verbose subversion log

Plovs asked how to see a subversion log that also lists changed files.
Froud had the answer: "svn log --verbose trunk"

Another trick from Froud: you want to browse the repository, do a
"svn list --recursive --verbose"

* The UbuntuArtwork wiki page shows no artwork

Andrea reported that the http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/UbuntuArtwork
page shows no artwork anymore, and needs someone to fix it.  As of now,
it still needs fixing it.

I would have fixed it instead of writing this report entry; however, I
have no idea on how to show images with Moin markup in Zwiki.

* FAQ Guide is entierely ported to DocBook

This has already been announced by plovs himself in

However, since this is the first achievement of the group, and since
tonight I feel a bit fetish, here's the IRC annoucement from plovs:

 <plovs> hi guys
 <plovs> faqguide is ported!


* validate.sh

Froud added a script "validate.sh" to the repository, that can be run to
validate the XML documents.

* Linking to other documentation

It was asked how to link in yelp from one document to another (for
example, make a pointer from the User's Guide to the Rhythmbox manual).

Froud pointed to these two links:


And also gave this example snippet:
 <ulink type=help url=ghelp:foo>text</ulink>

This also means we can interlink all our docs, quickguide, userguide,
faqguide and other docs:
 <plovs> utterly neat, thanks froud 

This however only works for Gnome.



GPG key: 1024D/797EBFAB 2000-12-05 Enrico Zini <enrico at debian.org>
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