[proposal] Split User Guide (was: The "It's Just a Desktop Distro" Problem)

Robert Brimhall rbrimhall at gmail.com
Thu Jan 6 01:44:48 UTC 2005

I've been lurking on the doc lists for a little while and most of the
technical discussion is way over my head. I'm a writer... just
finished two years of graduate school where I did lots and lots of
writing. ;) I'd love to contribute but I guess the most I could do is
possibly edit for grammar, spelling, style...

On Thu, 6 Jan 2005 00:51:24 +0200, Sean Wheller <sean at inwords.co.za> wrote:
> On Thursday 06 January 2005 00:28, Robert Brimhall wrote:
> > I think splitting the docs into two categories is a great idea,
> > however, what about tasks that may fall under both groups (like
> > software updates, explanation of sudo, etc.)... should there be a
> > Ubuntu primer that preceeds the user and admin guides?
> We will need to decide on which do they stay in - User Guide or Admin Guide.
> In cases where we need content in both we can use XInclude and XPointer.
> For example: Let's say that the section "Software Updates" is kept in the User
> Guide. We can used XInclude or XPointer to include the content in the Admin
> Guide. This way we need only update the "Software Updates" section contained
> in User Guide and the Admin Guide is also updated.
> I am trying to get lots of this type of methodology into the framework in
> order to reduce maintenance overhead and translation times. In the latest
> case, the menu choices, I have used External Entities as this was more
> effective. We already use XInclude so this should not be a problem.
> --
> Sean Wheller
> Technical Author
> sean at inwords.co.za
> http://www.inwords.co.za
> Registered Linux User #375355


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