[proposal update]

Alexander Poslavsky alexander.poslavsky at gmail.com
Wed Jan 5 23:32:22 UTC 2005

Hi guys,

Our documentation should cover all bases. It should be as complete as
possible. Matt wrote the following:

>1. Rename the 'custom' install to 'server' (Colin has already >done this)
>2. Create an Ubuntu "server edition" for Hoary, which (as I >recall) would
>essentially default to the server installation, rather than the >desktop

In short, ubuntu as a server, so we *need* some docs for this.

This is what we'll do:

We leave the three current guides as is:

Quick-guide - get to know guide, short fast
User-guide   - for those who need some help with using ubuntu as their desktop
Faq-guide    - fast answers, to the usual questions

With these we cover all grounds for end-users.

We *add*:

Server-guide - how to use ubuntu as a server.

This new guide will cover all the advanced debian topics. Advanced
installation, command line packaging, web-servers, mail-servers etc.

With this fourth guide we cover all our bases. It would be a complete

With docbook it is possible to use parts of one guide in another, link
guide together etc. This will keep the writing environment stable and
unchanging, while at the same time evolving our documentation in the
right direction.

thoughts? AP

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