#ubuntu-doc report for 2004-01-03

Enrico Zini enrico at enricozini.org
Tue Jan 4 03:15:28 UTC 2005

#ubuntu-doc report for 2004-01-03

* Action!

Plovs is back, met with Froud and they kicked 2005 into action!

Quick summary of the activity:

 - Froud added new legalnotice, feedback, disclaimer and Typographical
   Conventions.  Legal notices will come after I sort the thing out.
 - The docbook structure is now stable.  Froud is now starting to focus
   on adding content, focusing on the Quick Guide at first.  Plovs warns
   that there is another version besides the one in the repo.  I'll have
   to find out.
 - Plovs postponed working on the quickguide because of this, and
   focused on the faqguide.
 - Menus are going to be defined in a centralised way, and references to
   menu items will become really easy to enter in DocBook, in all the
   documents we are working on.
   Note: this is what I understood about the reasoning behind
   "menuchoice", but I could be mistaken.  Froud and Plovs please
   correct me if I'm wrong.

* How to validate DocBook document

Quick HOWTO by Froud and Plovs:

 1. cd to trunk/
 2a. xmllint --noout --xinclude --postvalid quickguide/quickguide.xml
 2b. xmllint --noout --xinclude --postvalid userguide/usersguide.xml
 3c. xmllint --noout --xinclude --postvalid faqguide/faq2.xml

If there are validation problems, xmllint will shout; if not it exits
silently.  You can test xmllint by inducing an error and seeing the

You can find xmllint in the libxml2-utils package.

* DocBook tips

 <plovs> btw what is better <para> <screen> </screen> </para> or
         <screen> outside the para?
 <froud> screen is valid under <listitem>
 <froud> so do 
       <para> ...</para>

* The "About Ubuntu" page

After syncinc with Plovs, Enrico will take care of finding out a later
version of the About Ubuntu page and putting it in the repository.
In the meantime, I created an AboutUbuntuPage page in the wiki to
collect the plans and status of it.

* make or yelp hang downloading stuff from the Oasis website?

Or you get "I/O error : Attempt to load network entity

To fix that, you need to have docbook 4.3 installed (the package is

For make, if it doesn't Just Work(TM), try to set the XML_CATALOG_FILES
variable in the environment.  For example:
  XML_CATALOG_FILES=/usr/share/xml/docbook/schema/dtd/4.3/catalog.xml make ug

If yelp cannot find catalogs and they are installed, we may have a bug
in Ubuntu.

* Quote of the day

 <jiyuu0> what tool do you use to write the xml?
 <plovs> jiyuu0: vim
 <plovs> and xmllint and froud, great tools



GPG key: 1024D/797EBFAB 2000-12-05 Enrico Zini <enrico at debian.org>
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