Documentation development infrastructure

Robert Collins robertc at
Wed Feb 2 08:13:26 UTC 2005

On Tue, 2005-01-25 at 07:53 +0200, Sean Wheller wrote:
> Agreed. Bazaar is perfect for our needs but then so is SVN. I don't
> really 
> believe the problem is the technology platforms here. It's a human
> issue. 
> Don't get me wrong, I know that can sound arrogant. But it's the
> truth, both 
> systems can support the requirement I am suggesting. However, upgrade
> to 
> newer SVN will create headaches for sysadmins and moving to bazaar
> will 
> create headaches for the writers. It's a catch 22. Unless of course
> the 
> writers are prepared to bite the bullet and go for it? If not then it
> will 
> just have to wait.

Hi Sean,
	I'm curious in what ways Bazaar will create headaches for the writers -
we're keen to make the UI of Bazaar better and better. While it lends
itself to distributed archives, it works fine with a single shared
repository too. 


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